Parents, Help Them Be Their Best!

I am a parent. And I am completely confident in the wisdom and correctness of all my parenting decisions…

Yeah, right.

Truth is, parenting today really is more challenging. Perhaps it’s because of our multi-media culture, where criticism and unwanted opinions seem to bombard us at every turn. Maybe it’s the digital distractions that continually invade our daily lives. Or, could it have something to do with that increasingly common sense of isolation felt by so many modern parents? What ever happened to “it takes a village to raise a child”?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some parenting support? Someone to provide the answers you need, when you need them?  Of course, this supportive-someone had better know what they’re talking about; their answers would have to be based on solid, well-researched, time-tested facts. They would have to be applicable to real-life, modern day parents.

And (while we’re dreaming) wouldn’t it be great if this helpful, supportive, spot-on-accurate information were available on demand, where and whenever you needed it? And don’t forget affordable…better yet, make that free.

Have you guessed where I’m going with this? Yes, this dream is now a reality! Age of Montessori (a nonprofit 501(c)3 public charity) is dedicated to providing free instructional webinars, articles, e-books, and support, which teach adults the fundamental principles of child development as they apply to real life…your life!

Who is Age of Montessori?

Age of Montessori’s founder, Mary Ellen Maunz, has more than 40 years of experience in Montessori education for parents. She collaborated for two decades with Dr. Elisabeth Caspari, student and personal friend of Maria Montessori herself. Internationally-renowned author and lecturer, Maunz is on a lifelong mission to help parents understand the underlying needs of the developing child.


Dr. Maria Montessori dedicated a lifetime to studying the developmental needs of children. She made profound discoveries that are not widely known -- until now!

At Age of Montessori, we understand that children are the hope for our future. We want every child to have the chance to develop to her fullest potential. And this means providing answers and inspiration for adults everywhere, when they need it and at their own pace.


Age of Montessori is bringing these discoveries to people across the globe. This is so much more than an educational method; it’s a way of understanding the child that can transform parenting into a harmonious, joyful experience.


Our download-able desktop library, newsletters, and eBook entitled Montessori! What it is…and Why it Should Matter to You! are always free and and always accessible. And our social media team is here to offer assistance and support.


At Age of Montessori we are passionate about providing parents, as well as teachers, with a real understanding about how children grow and learn, especially in the early years. We want parents everywhere to benefit from our in-depth understanding of the way children really learn and develop.

Our free, information-rich webinars are available on-demand and cover a broad range of topics including:

  • Raising infants and toddlers
  • Understanding elementary aged children
  • Meeting the needs of the sensitive child
  • Guiding the gifted child
  • Freedom within limits or discipline

Our downloadable desktop library, newsletters, and eBook entitled Montessori!What it is…and Why it Should Matter to You! are always free and always accessible.

How... we are providing this wealth of knowledge, for free? Age of Montessori is a nonprofit 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to providing free instructional webinars, articles, e-books, and support, which teach adults the fundamental principles of child development as they apply to everyday life.

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