Shocking Results of Pandemic School Shutdowns

September 2, 2022

Yesterday, shocking but not unexpected results of the pandemic school shutdowns on American children were released. The reading scores of 4th graders have dropped 5 points while math scores dropped 7 points. Children at high risk of failure had even more significant declines. 

With immediate intercession, we can help our children catch up AND make sure our young children learn these skills at the ideal ages of 4-6. Montessori identified this age range as the sensitive period when learning to read, write and compute are easy and fun. 

AIM offers webinars and professional development courses to help you help the children you love, whether you are a parent, grandparent, tutor or teacher.  

We have been teaching children in preschools, kindergarten and 1st grade to read and compute in states all over this nation for decades. We know how to do it, and we have innovative tools to help you. 

Our AIM faculty have developed some amazing and easy to use tools, based on extensive reading and neurological research, to supplement what most Montessori schools already have. 

Check out the reading and math programs and courses below, or see our courses page for all of the options we have available.